If you love steak, then this post is for you!

I’ve been experimenting with different ways to cook steak in my air fryer and I’ve come up with some great results. It turns out that cooking steak in an Air Fryer is just as easy as making it on the grill or stovetop – with less cleanup! Plus, when cooked correctly (see below), your steak will be juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside just like if it had been grilled over charcoal first. So let’s get started…

OMG Steak in the Air fryer?? Are you kidding me!?

Kansas City Steak Company

Yes, you can cook steak in the air fryer. It’s easy and results in a perfect steak every time! This is a great alternative to grilling and will save you time, energy and money on your next dinner party or date night at home. The possibilities are endless when it comes to cooking with your new appliance–you can make everything from chicken wings to ribs; potatoes (including baked potato chips) or vegetables like zucchini fries; even desserts like chocolate cake or cookies!

You’re going to think I’ve lost my mind, but listen.

You’re going to think I’ve lost my mind, but listen.

You can cook steak in the air fryer. It’s easy and simple! You don’t need to flip the steak, either; just let it do its thing on one side for about 15 minutes (depending on your desired level of doneness), then flip it over and cook for another 5-10 minutes or until it reaches your desired temperature.

The reason this works is because when you use an air fryer, there is no oil involved so there’s no chance of burning or drying out your meat like you might with other cooking methods like pan frying or grilling outside over charcoal fire pits (I’m looking at YOU here!).

It’s true. Steak in the air fryer is simple and easy and results in a perfect steak every time – just like it does with an Instant Pot.

Yes, it’s true. Steak in the air fryer is simple and easy and results in a perfect steak every time – just like it does with an Instant Pot.

If you have never cooked a steak before, don’t worry! You can do it! All you need is some meat (I used flank steak), salt, pepper and olive oil or butter to season your meat before cooking it.

What kind of steak is best for air frying?

  • Ribeye, sirloin and flank are all great for air frying. The thicker the steak the longer it will take to cook so make sure you have enough time to wait for your meal!
  • Skirt steak is a bit of an exception because it’s very thin and cooks quickly. If you’re looking for something quick and easy that doesn’t require much thinking about then this could be ideal for you!
  • Tenderloin is another type of steak that works well in an air fryer but again it depends on how thick or thin your cut is as well as how much time you want to spend cooking them up before serving them up with some veggies (or whatever else).

Does an Air Fryer Cook the Same as a Grill?

The air fryer is a kitchen revolution. It cooks food in a different way than a grill, but it’s still delicious! The air fryer uses hot air to cook your steak and other meats. This is because the oven uses convection cooking, which means that hot air circulates around the food while it cooks at high temperatures.

Because of this process, you can expect to see some differences between what you get from an outdoor grill and what comes out of your new appliance:

  • Air fryers don’t require charcoal or propane; they use electricity instead! So if you’re thinking about getting one for yourself or someone else on your list (or both), here are some things to keep in mind before making an investment:

Do you need to flip steak in air fryer?

You don’t need to flip steak in the air fryer. It’s not necessary, but you can if you want to. If you’re using a large steak and want even cooking on both sides then it may be worth flipping over midway through your cooking time. If not, then don’t worry about turning it over–just put your meat in there and let it do its thing!

How long do you cook a New York Strip in air fryer?

So how long do you cook a New York strip in air fryer?

Well, it depends on the thickness of your steak. If it’s 1 inch thick, then cook for 4-5 minutes. If it’s 1.5 inches thick, cook for 6-7 minutes and if its 2 inches thick then 8-9 minutes should do the trick!

How much longer do you cook a hamburger in an air fryer?

The time it takes to cook a hamburger in the air fryer depends on the thickness of your burger. Thicker burgers need more time to cook through, so check yours periodically and make sure it’s not overcooked or undercooked. If you’re looking for perfectly medium-rare burgers every time, use an instant-read thermometer like this one from Taylor to check for doneness!

You can also use an air fryer without oil! Just spray your cooking basket with nonstick spray before adding raw meat or veggies–the coating will create enough lubrication so that things don’t stick together as they cook up nice and crispy (and sometimes even brown).

You can cook Steak in the Air fryer!!

You can cook steak in the air fryer!!

You can cook chicken in the air fryer!!

You can cook pork in the air fryer!!!

You can even cook fish, vegetables and more!!


The air fryer is a great tool for cooking steak. It’s easy and fast, and the result is delicious. You can cook a steak in no time at all!

Get some great steak from the kind folks over at Kansas City Steak Company