Taylor Swift was spotted at burger king yesterday. She ordered a hamburger with mustard on it. There was a long line behind her. People were shocked to see her there and the staff looked pretty stunned as well. One girl had the courage to ask for a picture and Taylor Swift agreed to it. She also signed some merchandise for some excited fans. When asked why she chose burger king, she said that she loved their burgers and she was lonely so she wanted to go out in public and be normal for a change

Taylor Swift was spotted at burger king yesterday. She ordered a hamburger with mustard on it.

Taylor Swift was spotted at burger king yesterday. She ordered a hamburger with mustard on it.

The fan who saw her said, “I was eating my whopper when I saw her walk in with her friends and sit down at the table next to me.”

“She ordered an onion ring, fries, and a vanilla shake,” said another fan who happened to be working at the restaurant that day. “I was so excited! I mean obviously we don’t know each other but she’s my idol.”

There was a long line behind her. People were shocked to see her there and the staff looked pretty stunned as well.

You could have been in that line, too. Taylor Swift was spotted at a Burger King in New York City on Tuesday night.

According to Page Six, there was a long line behind her and people were shocked to see her there. The staff looked pretty stunned as well.

Taylor ordered a hamburger with mustard on it–no word on whether she got fries or onion rings instead of hash browns but I’m sure she would have if they asked her nicely!

One girl had the courage to ask for a picture and Taylor Swift agreed to it.

You are probably wondering why an international celebrity would be eating at Burger King. Taylor Swift was in town for a concert and decided to grab a bite to eat before the show. She was very nice, down to earth and friendly with all of her fans who approached her. It was clear that she appreciated the support from everyone who came up asking for pictures or even just saying hello!

It’s always nice when people like Taylor Swift can make time for their fans no matter where they are or what they’re doing; especially when it’s just after midnight on a Tuesday night!

She also signed some merchandise for some excited fans.

The self-proclaimed Queen of Pop also signed some merchandise for some excited fans.

  • T-shirts
  • Posters
  • Albums
  • Cell phones (and, yes, she can actually text with those things)
  • Hats and shoes are fair game as well!

When asked why she chose burger king, she said that she loved their burgers and she was lonely so she wanted to go out in public and be normal for a change.

When asked why she chose burger king, she said that she loved their burgers and she was lonely so she wanted to go out in public and be normal for a change.

“I’m just trying to live my life as normally as possible,” Taylor said. “I’m not sure why I went there.”

Taylor Swift loves burgers too

Taylor Swift has been spotted at Burger King.

It’s true! The singer was seen ordering a hamburger with mustard on it, and she waited in line for it like everybody else. It seems like Taylor wants to be normal!

She was wearing sweatpants and flip flops, which makes sense because she’s famous and doesn’t need to wear fancy clothes all the time. She also had her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, showing off her cute face–and those big eyes that everyone loves so much!


So there you have it. Taylor Swift has been spotted at burger king and she had a hamburger with mustard on it. The world is a strange place sometimes, but at least we can all rest assured that our favorite pop star likes burgers too!

(This is satire)